Gemeinschaft umweltfreundlicher Teppichboden e.V.
Gemeinschaft umweltfreundlicher Teppichboden e.V. is the association of Europe’s leading carpet manufacturers. Its aim is the continuous improvement and further development of environmental standards for carpets. With the PRODIS product passport for carpets, GUT has developed a pioneering product information system that provides the end customer with detailed information (e.g. ingredients, environmental friendliness, usage properties and care instructions) on the relevant textile floor covering simply, quickly and transparently.
Teppichboden e.V.
Since 1990, GUT has supported the European textile floor-covering industry by setting and continuously developing the environmental standards to give the consumer the greatest protection. All products under the GUT label are stringently tested for harmful substances and emissions according to the latest findings and techniques available.

PRODIS Product Passport
Each Product Passport is generated using the existing GUT-PRODIS database which integrates environmental and performance data. The latest version has been developed specifically to ensure greater visibility and transparency of the environmental benefits whilst ensuring the performance standards are clearly marked.
Members GUT e.V.
In December 1990, leading European carpet manufacturers founded the Gemeinschaft umweltfreundlicher Teppichboden e.V. in Aachen. Learn more about the aims of the association and its members.